Le fichier de configuration DM-Multipath

By default, DM-Multipath provides configuration values for the most common uses of multipathing. In addition, DM-Multipath includes support for the most common storage arrays that support DM-Multipath. The default configuration values and the supported devices can be found in the multipath.conf.defaults file.

You can override the default configuration values for DM-Multipath by editing the /etc/multipath.conf configuration file. If necessary, you can also add a storage array that is not supported by default to the configuration file. This chapter provides information on parsing and modifying the multipath.conf file. It contains sections on the following topics:

In the multipath configuration file, you need to specify only the sections that you need for your configuration, or that you wish to change from the default values specified in the multipath.conf.defaults file. If there are sections of the file that are not relevant to your environment or for which you do not need to override the default values, you can leave them commented out, as they are in the initial file.

The configuration file allows regular expression description syntax.

Une version annotée du fichier de configuration peut être trouvée dans /usr/share/doc/multipath-tools/examples/multipath.conf.annotated.gz.

Configuration File Overview

Le fichier de configuration multipath est divisé selon les sections suivantes :

mettre en liste noire

Liste des périphériques spécifiques qui ne seront pas pris en compte pour multipath.


Listing of multipath candidates that would otherwise be blacklisted according to the parameters of the blacklist section.

par défaut

Paramètres généraux par défaut pour DM-Multipath.


Settings for the characteristics of individual multipath devices. These values overwrite what is specified in the defaults and devices sections of the configuration file.


Réglages des contrôleurs de stockage individuels. Ces valeurs remplacent ce qui est spécifié dans la section défaults du fichier de configuration. Si vous utilisez une baie de stockage qui n'est pas prise en charge par défaut, vous devrez peut-être créer une sous-section pour votre baie

When the system determines the attributes of a multipath device, first it checks the multipath settings, then the per devices settings, then the multipath system defaults.

Configuration File Blacklist

The blacklist section of the multipath configuration file specifies the devices that will not be used when the system configures multipath devices. Devices that are blacklisted will not be grouped into a multipath device.

Mise en liste noire en fonction du WWID (identifiant mondial)

Vous pouvez spécifier des périphériques individuels à mettre en liste noire en fonction de leur identifiant mondial avec une entrée wwid dans la section liste noire du fichier de configuration.

L'exemple suivant montre les lignes dans le fichier de configuration qui permettent la mise en liste noire d'un appareil avec un WWID qui est 26353900f02796769.

blacklist {
       wwid 26353900f02796769

Mise en liste noire par nom de périphérique

You can blacklist device types by device name so that they will not be grouped into a multipath device by specifying a devnode entry in the blacklist section of the configuration file.

The following example shows the lines in the configuration file that would blacklist all SCSI devices, since it blacklists all sd* devices.

blacklist {
       devnode "^sd[a-z]"

You can use a devnode entry in the blacklist section of the configuration file to specify individual devices to blacklist rather than all devices of a specific type. This is not recommended, however, since unless it is statically mapped by udev rules, there is no guarantee that a specific device will have the same name on reboot. For example, a device name could change from /dev/sda to /dev/sdb on reboot.

By default, the following devnode entries are compiled in the default blacklist; the devices that these entries blacklist do not generally support DM-Multipath. To enable multipathing on any of these devices, you would need to specify them in the blacklist_exceptions section of the configuration file, as described in Exceptions de liste noire

blacklist {
       devnode "^(ram|raw|loop|fd|md|dm-|sr|scd|st)[0-9]*"
       devnode "^hd[a-z]"

Mise en liste noire en fonction du type de périphérique

You can specify specific device types in the blacklist section of the configuration file with a device section. The following example blacklists all IBM DS4200 and HP devices.

blacklist {
       device {
               vendor  "IBM"
               product "3S42"       #DS4200 Product 10
       device {
               vendor  "HP"
               product "*"

Exceptions de liste noire

You can use the blacklist_exceptions section of the configuration file to enable multipathing on devices that have been blacklisted by default.

For example, if you have a large number of devices and want to multipath only one of them (with the WWID of 3600d0230000000000e13955cc3757803), instead of individually blacklisting each of the devices except the one you want, you could instead blacklist all of them, and then allow only the one you want by adding the following lines to the /etc/multipath.conf file.

blacklist {
        wwid "*"

blacklist_exceptions {
        wwid "3600d0230000000000e13955cc3757803"

When specifying devices in the blacklist_exceptions section of the configuration file, you must specify the exceptions in the same way they were specified in the blacklist. For example, a WWID exception will not apply to devices specified by a devnode blacklist entry, even if the blacklisted device is associated with that WWID. Similarly, devnode exceptions apply only to devnode entries, and device exceptions apply only to device entries.

Fichier de configuration par defaut

The /etc/multipath.conf configuration file includes a defaults section that sets the user_friendly_names parameter to yes, as follows.

defaults {
        user_friendly_names yes

This overwrites the default value of the user_friendly_names parameter.

Le fichier de configuration comprend un modèle de configuration par défaut. Cette section est commentée comme suit.

#defaults {
#       udev_dir                /dev
#       polling_interval        5
#       selector                "round-robin 0"
#       path_grouping_policy    failover
#       getuid_callout          "/lib/dev/scsi_id --whitelisted --device=/dev/%n"
#	prio			const
#	path_checker		directio
#	rr_min_io		1000
#	rr_weight		uniform
#	failback		manual
#	no_path_retry		fail
#	user_friendly_names	no

To overwrite the default value for any of the configuration parameters, you can copy the relevant line from this template into the defaults section and uncomment it. For example, to overwrite the path_grouping_policy parameter so that it is multibus rather than the default value of failover, copy the appropriate line from the template to the initial defaults section of the configuration file, and uncomment it, as follows.

defaults {
        user_friendly_names     yes
        path_grouping_policy    multibus

Table Valeurs de configuration par défaut de Multipath describes the attributes that are set in the defaults section of the multipath.conf configuration file. These values are used by DM-Multipath unless they are overwritten by the attributes specified in the devices and multipaths sections of the multipath.conf file.

Valeurs de configuration par défaut de Multipath

Attribut Description
polling_interval Specifies the interval between two path checks in seconds. For properly functioning paths, the interval between checks will gradually increase to (4 * polling_interval). The default value is 5.
udev_dir Le répertoire où les nœuds de périphériques udev sont créés. La valeur par défaut est /dev.
multipath_dir Le répertoire où les objets partagés dynamiques sont stockés. La valeur par défaut dépend du système, communément /lib/multipath.
verbosity Le niveau de verbosité par défaut. Des valeurs plus élevées augmentent le niveau de verbosité. Les niveaux valides sont compris entre 0 et 6. La valeur par défaut est 2.

Spécifie l'algorithme à utiliser par défaut afin de déterminer quel chemin utiliser pour la prochaine opération d'E/S. Les valeurs possibles sont :

  • round-robin 0: Loop through every path in the path group, sending the same amount of I/O to each.

  • queue-length 0: Send the next bunch of I/O down the path with the least number of outstanding I/O requests.

  • service-time 0: Send the next bunch of I/O down the path with the shortest estimated service time, which is determined by dividing the total size of the outstanding I/O to each path by its relative throughput.

La valeur par défaut est round-robin 0.


Specifies the default path grouping policy to apply to unspecified multipaths. Possible values include:

  • failover = 1 path per priority group

  • multibus = all valid paths in 1 priority group

  • group_by_serial = 1 priority group per detected serial number

  • group_by_prio = 1 priority group per path priority value

  • group_by_node_name = 1 priority group per target node name.

La valeur par défaut est failover.

getuid_callout Specifies the default program and arguments to call out to obtain a unique path identifier. An absolute path is required.

La valeur par défaut est /lib/udev/scsi_id --whitelisted --device=/dev/%n.


Specifies the default function to call to obtain a path priority value. For example, the ALUA bits in SPC-3 provide an exploitable prio value. Possible values include:

  • const : Définit une priorité de 1 à tous les chemins.

  • emc : génèrer la priorité de chemin pour les ensembles EMC.

  • alua:  : Génère la priorité de chemin en fonction des paramètres ALUA SCSI-3.

  • netapp : génèrer la priorité de chemin pour les ensembles NetApp.

  • rdac : Génère la priorité de chemin pour les contrôleurs RDAC LSI et Engenio.

  • hp_sw : Génère la priorité de chemin pour les contrôleurs Compaq et HP en mode actif ou veille.

  • hds : génèrer la priorité de chemin pour les ensembles modulaires de stockage Hitachi HDS.

La valeur par défaut est const.


The arguments string passed to the prio function Most prio functions do not need arguments. The datacore prioritizer need one. Example, "timeout=1000 preferredsds=foo". The default value is (null) "".

fonctionnalités The extra features of multipath devices. The only existing feature is queue_if_no_path, which is the same as setting no_path_retry to file d'attente. For information on issues that may arise when using this feature, see Section, "Issues with queue_if_no_path feature".

Spécifie la méthode utilisée par défaut pour déterminer l'état des chemins. Les valeurs possibles sont :

  • readsector0 : Lit le premier secteur du périphérique.

  • tur: Issue a TEST UNIT READY to the device.

  • emc_clariion: Query the EMC Clariion specific EVPD page 0xC0 to determine the path.

  • hp_sw: Check the path state for HP storage arrays with Active/Standby firmware.

  • rdac : Vérifie l’état du chemin pour les contrôleurs de stockage RDAC LSI et Engenio.

  • directio : Lit le premier secteur avec E/S directe.

La valeur par défaut est directio.


Manages path group failback.

  • A value of immediate specifies immediate failback to the highest priority path group that contains active paths.

  • A value of manual specifies that there should not be immediate failback but that failback can happen only with operator intervention.

  • Une valeur numérique supérieure à zéro indique un retour différé à l’état d'origine et s'exprime en secondes.

La valeur par défaut est manual.

rr_min_io Specifies the number of I/O requests to route to a path before switching to the next path in the current path group.

La valeur par défaut est 1000.

rr_weight If set to priorités, then instead of sending rr_min_io requests to a path before calling path_selector to choose the next path, the number of requests to send is determined by rr_min_io times the path's priority, as determined by the prio function. If set to identique, all path weights are equal.

La valeur par défaut est uniform.

no_path_retry A numeric value for this attribute specifies the number of times the system should attempt to use a failed path before disabling queueing. A value of fail indicates immédiat failure, without queueing. A value of file d'attente indicates that queueing should not stop until the path is fixed.

La valeur par défaut est 0.

user_friendly_names If set to yes, specifies that the system should use the /etc/multipath/bindings file to assign a persistent and unique alias to the multipath, in the form of mpathn. If set to no, specifies that the system should use the WWID as the alias for the multipath. In either case, what is specified here will be overridden by any device-specific aliases you specify in the multipaths section of the configuration file.

La valeur par défaut est no.

queue_without_daemon Si la valeur est réglée sur no, le démon multipathd désactivera la file d'attente pour tous les périphériques quand il sera fermé.

La valeur par défaut est yes.

flush_on_last_del If set to yes, then multipath will disable queueing when the last path to a device has been deleted.

La valeur par défaut est no.

max_fds Sets the maximum number of open file descriptors that can be opened by multipath and the multipathd daemon. This is equivalent to the ulimit -n command. A value of max will set this to the system limit from /proc/sys/fs/nr_open. If this is not set, the maximum number of open file descriptors is taken from the calling process; it is usually 1024. To be safe, this should be set to the maximum number of paths plus 32, if that number is greater than 1024.
checker_timer The timeout to use for path checkers that issue SCSI commands with an explicit timeout, in seconds.

La valeur par défaut provient de /sys/block/sdx/device/timeout, et elle est de 30 secondes à partir de la version 12.04 LTS

fast_io_fail_tmo The number of seconds the SCSI layer will wait after a problem has been detected on an FC remote port before failing I/O to devices on that remote port. This value should be smaller than the value of dev_loss_tmo. Setting this to off will disable the timeout.

La valeur par défaut est définie par le système d'exploitation.

dev_loss_tmo The number of seconds the SCSI layer will wait after a problem has been detected on an FC remote port before removing it from the system. Setting this to infinity will set this to 2147483647 seconds, or 68 years. The default value is determined by the OS.

Attributs du fichier de configuration multipath

Table Attributs Multipath shows the attributes that you can set in the multipaths section of the multipath.conf configuration file for each specific multipath device. These attributes apply only to the one specified multipath. These defaults are used by DM-Multipath and override attributes set in the defaults and devices sections of the multipath.conf file.

Attributs Multipath

Attribut Description
wwid Specifies the WWID of the multipath device to which the multipath attributes apply. This parameter is mandatory for this section of the multipath.conf file.
alias Specifies the symbolic name for the multipath device to which the multipath attributes apply. If you are using user_friendly_names, do not set this value to mpathn; this may conflict with an automatically assigned user friendly name and give you incorrect device node names.

En outre, les paramètres suivants peuvent être remplacés dans cette section multipath

L'exemple suivant montre les attributs multipath spécifiés dans le fichier de configuration pour deux périphériques multipath spécifiques. Le premier périphérique a un WWID qui est 3600508b4000156d70001200000b0000 et un nom symbolique qui est yellow.

The second multipath device in the example has a WWID of 1DEC_____321816758474 and a symbolic name of red. In this example, the rr_weight attributes are set to priorities.

multipaths {
       multipath {
              wwid                  3600508b4000156d70001200000b0000
              alias                 yellow
              path_grouping_policy  multibus
              path_selector         "round-robin 0"
              failback              manual
              rr_weight             priorities
              no_path_retry         5
       multipath {
              wwid                  1DEC_____321816758474
              alias                 red
              rr_weight             priorities

Configuration File Devices

Table Attributs du périphérique shows the attributes that you can set for each individual storage device in the devices section of the multipath.conf configuration file. These attributes are used by DM-Multipath unless they are overwritten by the attributes specified in the multipaths section of the multipath.conf file for paths that contain the device. These attributes override the attributes set in the defaults section of the multipath.conf file.

Many devices that support multipathing are included by default in a multipath configuration. The values for the devices that are supported by default are listed in the multipath.conf.defaults file. You probably will not need to modify the values for these devices, but if you do you can overwrite the default values by including an entry in the configuration file for the device that overwrites those values. You can copy the device configuration defaults from the multipath.conf.annotated.gz or if you wish to have a brief config file, multipath.conf.synthetic file for the device and override the values that you want to change.

To add a device to this section of the configuration file that is not configured automatically by default, you must set the vendor and product parameters. You can find these values by looking at /sys/block/device_name/device/vendor and /sys/block/device_name/device/model where device_name is the device to be multipathed, as in the following example:

# cat /sys/block/sda/device/vendor
# cat /sys/block/sda/device/model

The additional parameters to specify depend on your specific device. If the device is active/active, you will usually not need to set additional parameters. You may want to set path_grouping_policy to multibus. Other parameters you may need to set are no_path_retry and rr_min_io, as described in Table Attributs Multipath.

If the device is active/passive, but it automatically switches paths with I/O to the passive path, you need to change the checker function to one that does not send I/O to the path to test if it is working (otherwise, your device will keep failing over). This almost always means that you set the path_checker to tur; this works for all SCSI devices that support the Test Unit Ready command, which most do.

If the device needs a special command to switch paths, then configuring this device for multipath requires a hardware handler kernel module. The current available hardware handler is emc. If this is not sufficient for your device, you may not be able to configure the device for multipath.

Attributs du périphérique

Attribut Description
fabriquant Spécifie le nom du fabricant du périphérique de stockage auquel les attributs de périphériques s'appliquent, par exemple COMPAQ.
produit Spécifie le nom de l'unité de stockage auquel les attributs de périphériques s'appliquent, par exemple HSV110 (C)COMPAQ.
révision Indique l'identifiant de version de produit du périphérique de stockage.
product_blacklist Specifies a regular expression used to blacklist devices by product.

Specifies a module that will be used to perform hardware specific actions when switching path groups or handling I/O errors. Possible values include:

  • 1 emc : gestionnaire de matériel pour les ensembles de stockage EMC

  • 1 alua : gestionnaire de matériel pour les ensembles ALUA SCSI-3.

  • 1 hp_sw : gestionnaire de matériel pour les contrôleurs Compaq et HP

  • 1 rdac : gestionnaire de matériel pour les contrôleurs RDAC LSI et Engenio.

En outre, les paramètres suivants peuvent être remplacés dans la section périphérique

Whenever a hardware_handler is specified, it is your responsibility to ensure that the appropriate kernel module is loaded to support the specified interface. These modules can be found in /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/scsi/device_handler/ . The requisite module should be integrated into the initrd to ensure the necessary discovery and failover-failback capacity is available during boot time. Example,

# echo scsi_dh_alua >> /etc/initramfs-tools/modules  ## append module to file
# update-initramfs -u -k all

The following example shows a device entry in the multipath configuration file.

#devices {
#	device {
#		vendor			"COMPAQ  "
#		product			"MSA1000         "
#		path_grouping_policy	multibus
#		path_checker		tur
#		rr_weight		priorities
#	}

The spacing reserved in the vendor, product, and revision fields are significant as multipath is performing a direct match against these attributes, whose format is defined by the SCSI specification, specifically the Standard INQUIRY command. When quotes are used, the vendor, product, and revision fields will be interpreted strictly according to the spec. Regular expressions may be integrated into the quoted strings. Should a field be defined without the requisite spacing, multipath will copy the string into the properly sized buffer and pad with the appropriate number of spaces. The specification expects the entire field to be populated by printable characters or spaces, as seen in the example above

  • fournisseur : 8 caractères

  • produit : 16 caractères

  • révision : 4 caractères

To create a more robust configuration file, regular expressions can also be used. Operators include ^ $ [ ] . * ? +. Examples of functional regular expressions can be found by examining the live multipath database and multipath.conf example files found in /usr/share/doc/multipath-tools/examples:

# echo 'show config' | multipathd -k